Tag Archives: purchasing gift

How Big Was Cyber Monday?

Last month, we had a post that looked at the reasons why consumers were shopping on Cyber Monday.  All indications point to lots of businesses having ecommerce success during the first official weekend of holiday shopping.

shutterstock_119962987• Total online sales on Cyber Monday reached nearly $1.5 billion – making it the biggest day for ecommerce in US history

• Cyber Monday shopping increased nearly 30% from last year

• Thanksgiving Day online shopping had the second highest year over year gain at 20%

• Ecommerce sales for Black Friday were up 17%, the Saturday after was up 15% and the Sunday prior to Cyber Monday saw a 19% jump

• The top day for mobile shopping was Black Friday.  Over half of iPhone users and over 40% of Android user shopped on their mobile device on Black Friday

• In total, 28% of Mac users and 23% of Windows users shopped online during Cyber Monday

What Does This Mean To You?
Holiday shopping is no longer just about hitting the stores; it’s also about filling the electronic shopping cart.  With so many consumers using their desktop, laptop and mobile devices to make holiday purchases, what are you doing to ensure you get your share of the shopping?
Do you offer an ecommerce option?
Is there a mobile companion for your online storefront?
How are you promoting your ecommerce capabilities?
Ecommerce and Mcommerce are all about convenience for the consumer.  It gives them the ability to shop when they want to.  As hectic as the holidays are, online and mobile shopping gives shoppers the gift of time and eases the stress of dealing with holiday crowds.
If you have an online shopping option, you need to promote it and the value you offer.  While you may not be able to compete with major online retailers in the price arena, things like easy returns and exchanges are important when buying someone a gift.  For more information on how you can be competitive with Ecommerce and Mcommerce solutions, please contact:
Al Fiala

Source: Marketing Vox; comScore; Exelate